January 2025 Classified PD Day
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Venue: Room 661 clear filter
Tuesday, January 14

9:10am PST

EXCEL After School Enrichment Activity Planning for Childcare Assistants  AND the importance and practice of LINE OF SIGHT
Tuesday January 14, 2025 9:10am - 10:30am PST
EXCEL After School ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY PLANNING for Childcare Assistants: Presenters: Arlene Cristan and Margarita Flores Garrido and Nicol Malone After-school enrichment activities help children grow beyond the standard curriculum by offering opportunities in arts, sciences, sports, and more. These activities:Spark creativity and nurture talents, Support critical thinking, problem-solving, and social skills Build confidence by tackling challenges Promote social and emotional learning through peer interaction Examples include visual and performing arts, foreign languages, sports, cooking, drawing, team games, storytelling, and movie making. This class will teach you how to create simple, focused lesson plans to keep children engaged and ensure lessons are impactful. LINE OF SIGHT SUPERVISION: Presenters: Veronica Johnson, Catherine Thompson and Nicol Malone Line of sight supervision promotes a safe environment and prevents injuries in young children. It always requires focused attention and intentional observation. Staff use line of sight supervision strategies to make sure children of all ages explore their environments safely. All EXCEL programs will keep children safe by teaching all staff how to look, listen, and engage while students are in lines, at the bathroom or water fountains, entering a classroom, snack/opening and outside or physical activities.
Tuesday January 14, 2025 9:10am - 10:30am PST
Room 661

10:40am PST

EXCEL After School Enrichment Activity Planning for Childcare Assistants  AND the importance and practice of LINE OF SIGHT
Tuesday January 14, 2025 10:40am - 12:00pm PST
EXCEL After School ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY PLANNING for Childcare Assistants: Presenters: Arlene Cristan and Margarita Flores Garrido and Nicol Malone After-school enrichment activities help children grow beyond the standard curriculum by offering opportunities in arts, sciences, sports, and more. These activities:Spark creativity and nurture talents, Support critical thinking, problem-solving, and social skills Build confidence by tackling challenges Promote social and emotional learning through peer interaction Examples include visual and performing arts, foreign languages, sports, cooking, drawing, team games, storytelling, and movie making. This class will teach you how to create simple, focused lesson plans to keep children engaged and ensure lessons are impactful. LINE OF SIGHT SUPERVISION: Presenters: Veronica Johnson, Catherine Thompson and Nicol Malone Line of sight supervision promotes a safe environment and prevents injuries in young children. It always requires focused attention and intentional observation. Staff use line of sight supervision strategies to make sure children of all ages explore their environments safely. All EXCEL programs will keep children safe by teaching all staff how to look, listen, and engage while students are in lines, at the bathroom or water fountains, entering a classroom, snack/opening and outside or physical activities.
Tuesday January 14, 2025 10:40am - 12:00pm PST
Room 661

1:00pm PST

EXCEL After School Enrichment Activity Planning for Childcare Assistants  AND the importance and practice of LINE OF SIGHT
Tuesday January 14, 2025 1:00pm - 2:20pm PST
EXCEL After School ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY PLANNING for Childcare Assistants: Presenters: Arlene Cristan and Margarita Flores Garrido and Nicol Malone After-school enrichment activities help children grow beyond the standard curriculum by offering opportunities in arts, sciences, sports, and more. These activities:Spark creativity and nurture talents, Support critical thinking, problem-solving, and social skills Build confidence by tackling challenges Promote social and emotional learning through peer interaction Examples include visual and performing arts, foreign languages, sports, cooking, drawing, team games, storytelling, and movie making. This class will teach you how to create simple, focused lesson plans to keep children engaged and ensure lessons are impactful. LINE OF SIGHT SUPERVISION: Presenters: Veronica Johnson, Catherine Thompson and Nicol Malone Line of sight supervision promotes a safe environment and prevents injuries in young children. It always requires focused attention and intentional observation. Staff use line of sight supervision strategies to make sure children of all ages explore their environments safely. All EXCEL programs will keep children safe by teaching all staff how to look, listen, and engage while students are in lines, at the bathroom or water fountains, entering a classroom, snack/opening and outside or physical activities.
Tuesday January 14, 2025 1:00pm - 2:20pm PST
Room 661
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